Tuesday, 7 August 2012

How to register TAN online & Request for Consolidated TDS/TCS file

Online TAN  & Consolidated TDS/TCS Request
eTutorial -Online TAN Registration and Request for Consolidated TDS/TCS file from TIN
 Features of TAN Registration
- Request for consolidated TDS/TCS file for doing correction in the return
- Request Form 16A, (Mandatory for Companies and Banks to issue Form 16A generated from TIN to their deductees for deductions made from April 1, 2011 – F.Y. 2011-12).
- View and download details of default on account of short deduction, short payment or late payment.
- Bulk upload of Form 15CA records.
- Update of demographic details (like email ID, name of the contact person and other TAN account details)
- View status and download Consolidated / Form 16A / Default file.
- View and download BIN details
- Download list of Invalid PAN in quarterly TDS/TCS statement.
 Activation of TAN Account
•On successful Registration / Re-registration of TAN, screen containing Acknowledgement for TAN registration with details as below will be displayed:
–TAN registration no. (12 Digit alphanumeric number).
–Date of registration
–User ID
–E-mail ID (provided on registration of TAN)
•You are requested to take the printout of the same for future use & reference.
•On successful registration, an e-mail containing the link will be sent at the registered e-mail ID (s) for verifying the e-mail ID and mobile number.
•If the user has provided the mobile no. on registration/ re-registration, an SMS containing six character verification code will be sent at registered mobile no.
•TAN Account will not be activated, if the User does not click the link or does not provide respective TAN and TAN Registration No and verification code (received by SMS)
•On Clicking the aforesaid link, User will be prompted to provide the TAN, corresponding 12 digit TAN registration No. and verification code if any.
•On verification of the above details, TAN Account will be activated within 24 hours.
•On clicking the link, if any of the details provided by the user does not match then the TAN account will not be activated.
•If the user has provided two e-mail ID and mobile no. then the user will be prompted to provide the verification code in any of the first e-mail ID he verifies.
•If the user has not provided the mobile no. (applicable only in case of deductor category Central and State Govt.), then the verification code will not be sent and the user will be required to verify only the e-mail ID (s).
•On Activation of the TAN Account, an email containing the User ID will be sent to the e-mail ID(s) registered at TIN in a password protected PDF file.
•Password to open the PDF file is 12 Digit alphanumeric TAN Registration No.
•On receipt of the email containing user id, User can login to TAN Account.
•No charges applicable for this facility
Guidelines to request consolidated file
Verification details:
•To request for the consolidated file, provide the following updated details (corrected details, if any correction statement is submitted and accepted) of the TDS/TCS statement for which file is required:
–challan/transfer voucher and
–deductee details
Question No 1.
–Provide details of any one challan / transfer voucher as reported in the TDS/TCS statement.
Question No. 2
–Provide details of any three distinct deductee records (PAN and corresponding deducted amount) present in the TDS/TCS statement.
It is not necessary to mention deductee details associated to the challan / transfer voucher provided in question no.1.
PAN and Amount of Tax deducted to be quoted when distinct combination (PAN and deducted amount) of deductee records / transactions in corresponding TDS/TCS statement is equal to or more than 3.
Sr. No.PAN of DeducteePAN with multiple records  with same deducted amountPAN with multiple records  with different deducted amount
Amount of Tax deductedTo be quotedAmount of Tax deductedTo be quoted
4,000.00  √
5,500.00  √
2,500.00  √
3,000.00  √

Any of the ticked details can be mentioned during verification
In case of multiple entries for a PAN in TDS/TCS return, individual amount for a record is to be quoted not the sum total of amount deducted for that PAN.
– If distinct deductee detail record in the statement is only one then provide only one PAN of deductee and corresponding deducted amount.
PAN and Amount of Tax deducted to be quoted when distinct count of Deductee records is  only one
Sr NoPAN of Deductee 
Amount of Tax deductedTo be quoted

For example:
− If distinct deductee detail record in the statement is two then provide  respective PAN of deductee and corresponding deducted amount.
PAN and Amount of Tax deducted to be quoted when  distinct count of Deductee records  is  two  PAN
Sr NoPAN of Deductee 
Amount of Tax deductedTo be quoted
1BJDPS4564B1000.00  √
2ADAPR1234B2500.00  √

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