Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Taxpayers' Services - CPC processes 2 lakhs returns per day; 24 x 7 Customs Clearance Scheme initiated

ALTHOUGH a lot needs to be done on the taxpayers' services front, both the Revenue Boards took several initiatives in the year 2012. For the CBDT, the CPC achieved a peak processing capacity of 2 Lakhs returns per day. It processed 82,11,694 Returns in FY 2012-13 (Apr-11.12.12). Average processing time reduced to 42 days, less than the period specified in citizens` charter. 60 call center agents attended to over 4000 calls daily in 3 languages now, with over 9.36 lakh calls attended till date.
A web based status tracking facility in collaboration with India Post and National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) has
also been launched. Refund Status is also available on Internet through ITD website. The information on paid refunds is also available in the ‘Tax Credit Statements' (Form No. 26AS) being given to taxpayers.
National Call Centre at Gurgaon and four Regional Call Centres at Jammu, Shillong, Jangipur and Kochi have been set up which have an All India toll free number and callers are guided through an Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) for various information/services.
Payment of Direct Taxes Through ATMs
The facility has been introduced by 13 selected banks both Public and Private Sector. This facility is being expanded. In order to make better use of the existing information and improve both the Taxpayer Services & Tax Administration, the Department has initiated the Project to re-write the existing Income Tax Department (ITD) Applications with the latest technology and new tools.
Online Tax Help
The TRP Scheme has a Help Desk and a Toll Free Call Centre which the TRPs can contact for seeking clarifications on legal issues from tax experts. In the new phase, the TRP Call Centre and Help Desk has been opened to general public under the ‘Online Tax Help' facility. To avail this facility a taxpayer must visit the website www.trpscheme.com and choose for online tax help. On choosing this option, the taxpayer can fill in his tax related query along with his contact details. The online query will be resolved by tax experts through Email or Phone within 24 hours.
Communication Strategy for school children
The Department has decided to come out with an effective communication strategy for school children in the age groups of 10-12 years and 16-18 years to introduce them to the subject of ‘Need for taxation in civil society'. The message to be given to the children is two-fold: to teach children that paying taxes is ethical and how the taxes are used to build roads, schools, hospitals, bridges etc. and spent on the armed forces, security forces, poverty alleviation programmes etc. The Department has partnered with NCERT to introduce the concept of need for taxation in civil society among school children.
In the current financial year upto 30th September, 2012, assets worth about Rs. 290 crore have been seized in the search & seizure operations and undisclosed income of about Rs. 4005 crore* was admitted. In the current financial year upto 30th September, 2012, undisclosed income of about Rs. 2044 crore* has also been admitted in surveys conducted by the Department. (* figures are provisional)
Measures to Check Tax Evasion
Various anti-evasion measures have been taken in the Finance Act, 2012 which include, inter alia, the following –
• Reporting by residents of assets held outside the country
• Reopening of assessments up to 16 years for taxing undisclosed assets kept outside the country
• Provisions under section 68 (unexplained cash credits) made more stringent by introducing the requirement of explanation of source of the source in case of companies in which public are not substantially interested
• Taxation of amounts charged under sections 68 (unexplained cash credits), 69 (unexplained investments), 69A (unexplained money, etc.), 69B (amounts of investments, etc. not fully disclosed in books of accounts), 69C (unexplained expenditure, etc.) and 69D (amount borrowed or repaid on hundi) at maximum rate of 30%
• Tax collection at source (TCS) on trading of minerals being coal or lignite or iron ore, bullion and jewellery in certain cases
• Penalties imposable on undisclosed income admitted during searches conducted after 01.07.2012
• Director of Income-tax empowered to sanction prosecution
• Introduction of enabling provisions for setting up Special Courts and Special Public Prosecutors to fast-track prosecution cases
• Minimum sentence of 3 months prescribed.
Measures to Check Black money
In furtherance to the policy of checking black money, India has completed negotiations on new Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs) with eighteen countries. 12 TIEAs have been signed and have come into force. There are 84 DTAAs (78 existing and 6 new DTAAs) and 9 TIEAs in existence. Almost all of the DTAAs have clauses on tax information exchange. India has initiated process of negotiation with 75 countries to broaden the scope of Article concerning Exchange of Information to specifically allow for exchange of banking information and information without domestic interest in the existing DTAAs. As on date, it has completed negotiations with 30 existing DTAA countries to update this Article. These agreements have also been initialed. 19 new DTAAs have also been finalized.
The Government has set up Income Tax Overseas Units in two Indian Missions abroad. Eight more such units are being setup in the current Financial Year to strengthen information exchange mechanism. The special attention on cross border transactions and business deals has resulted in collection of taxes of Rs.27,442 Crores in the last financial year.
A draft of Shome Committee reports on GAAR and indirect transfer of assets has been submitted. The Report of the Shome Committee has been examined by the CBDT and further action is being taken.
CBEC Initiatives
An Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) Programme was implemented on pilot basis in August, 2011. Final programme was rolled out on 16 th November, 2012. Indian Customs has also taken steps towards signing of Mutual Recognition Agreements with other Customs administrations like USA, Korea, Hong Kong, Israel and Taiwan for mutual benefit of trade under AEO Programme. It would enable businesses involved in the international trade to reap the following benefits:
(i) Secure supply chain from point of export to import;
(ii) Ability to demonstrate compliance with security standards when contracting to supply overseas importers/exporters;
(iii) Enhanced border clearance privileges in MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement) partner countries;
(iv) Minimal disruption to flow of cargo after a security related disruption;
(v) Reduction in dwell time and related costs; and
(vi) Customs advice / assistance if trade faces unexpected issues with Customs of countries with which we have MRA.
24X7 Customs Clearance
In order to facilitate importers and exporters CBEC has begun on a pilot basis 24X7 Customs clearance  with effect from 1 st September, 2012 at identified Air Cargo Complexes viz. Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai; and Sea Ports viz. Nhava Sheva, Kandla, Chennai and Kolkata in certain categories of imports and exports. It is being monitored closely and a view will be taken by 31 st December, 2012 whether to extend it to all categories of imports and exports.
Mandatory E-payment of Customs duty
E-payment of Customs duty has been made mandatory for importers registered under Accredited Clients Programme and importers paying customs duty of one lakh rupees or more per Bill of Entry with effect from 17.09.2012. Besides expediting the process of payment of duty and clearance of imported goods, the facility of e-payment has resulted in reduction of transaction costs.
CBEC has launched an e-helpline facility w.e.f. 1 st October, 2012 at the Zonal levels for clarifying the doubts of trade and industry in an administration friendly manner without the assessee having to come to offices of the department. The main objective of the e-helpline is to provide help to the taxpayers in resolving procedural delays and in addressing system related problems.

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