Friday, 4 October 2013

Foreign Exchange rate applicable to import and export of services w.e.f. 01/07/2012

Notification No. 83/2013 Cus.NT-Revised   95/2013 Cus.NT-   100/2013 Cus.NT-   103/2013 Cus.NT-  
Dates - From and To 15-08-2013 05-09-2013 06-09-2013 19-09-2013 20-09-2013 03-10-2013 04-10-2013 Till Date
Currency( One Unit) Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export
Australian Dollor 61.15 59.45 61.60 59.8 59.80 58.35 58.95 57.55
Bahrain Dinar 176.85 167.20 170.95 161.65 172.65 163.20 169.25 160.00
Canadian Dollar 65.00 63.30 64.10 62.3 62.20 60.65 60.85 59.30
Danish Kroner 11.75 11.40 11.90 11.5 11.50 11.15 11.50 11.15
EURO 87.40 85.50 88.60 86.05 85.45 83.45 85.35 83.35
Hong Kong Dollar 8.45 8.30 8.15 8.00 8.25 8.10 8.05 7.95
Kenya Shilling 76.30 72.00 73.60 69.5 74.40 70.25 73.45 69.40
Kuwait Dinar 234.55 221.60 227.20 214 229.25 216.55 226.35 213.65
Newzeland Dollar 53.50 51.95 53.10 51.45 52.60 51.30 52.20 50.90
Norwegian Kroner 11.30 10.95 11.10 10.7 10.85 10.55 10.50 10.20
Pound Sterling 106.00 103.25 104.80 102.1 101.75 99.45 101.90 99.70
Singapore Dollar 53.40 52.05 52.65 51.1 50.80 49.60 50.20 49.15
South African Rand 6.75 6.35 6.65 6.25 6.65 6.25 6.35 6.00
Saudi Arabian Riyal 17.80 16.80 17.20 16.25 17.35 16.40 17.00 16.10
Swedish Kroner 10.05 9.75 10.20 9.85 9.95 9.65 9.90 9.60
Swiss Franc 71.00 69.35 71.65 69.55 69.15 67.50 69.65 68.00
UAE Dirham 18.15 17.15 17.55 16.6 17.70 16.75 17.35 16.40
US Dollar 65.35 64.30 63.15 62.15 63.80 62.75 62.55 61.55
Japanese Yen( For 100 Units) 63.45 61.95 67.35 65.35 64.55 62.95 64.30 62.75

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