Monday, 5 January 2015

Basic Principles of TDS Compliance and Complete TDS Compliance.

CPC (TDS) has issued a advisory communications specially for TDS Deductor regarding TDS Compliance.  The Central Processing Cell has extended registered Deductors over 3 crore and therefore, CPC (TDS) suggest the Basic Principles of TDS Compliance and Complete TDS Compliance which is as under:

  • Deduction/ Collection of Tax at Correct Rates
  • Timely Deposit of Tax Deducted at Source
  • Accurate Reporting of data related to tax deductions/ collections made
  • Submission of TDS Statements within the due dates
  • Verification and Issuance of TDS Certificates within time
  • During the past year, CPC (TDS) released a host of useful utilities at TRACES, including the following, that we feel would be helpful in our journey together towards achieving default-free TDS Compliance:
  • CPC (TDS) is now sending "Intermediate Default Communication" for PAN Errors and Short Payments, which can be corrected during the interim period of a week of filing TDS Statements, before CPC (TDS) proceeds with computing Defaults for the relevant statement.
  • User-friendly Online Correction facility can be used for Correction of Deductees, Tagging Unmatched Challans and Payment of Fees/ Interest. (Please navigate to Defaults tab to locate Request for Correction from the drop-down menu. For any assistance, please refer to the e-tutorial available on TRACES).
  • Aggregated TDS Compliance Report assists the PAN of the Deductor to administer TDS Defaults for associated TANs and to take appropriate action
  • The Deductor's Dashboard provides you all necessary information to assist you in "Compliance Self-Assessment" and to take appropriate action.
  • Non-filing Self-declaration can be made by navigating to Statements / Payments menu and submit details under Declaration for Non-Filing of Statements.
  • PAN Verification and Consolidated TAN - PAN File facility on TRACES can be used for verifying the deductees.
  • The Conso Files and Justification Reports downloaded from TRACES help you to identify errors in submission of revised Quarterly TDS Statements.

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