Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Release of Return Preparation Utility (RPU) (Version 4.3) and File Validation Utility (FVU) (Version 4.6 and 2.142) with effect from April 21, 2015

This refers to filing of Quarterly TDS/TCS statements (Regular & Correction). In this regard, we inform you that being a Deductor/Collector, once TDS/TCS file is prepared as per the prescribed file format then, it is mandatory to validate the file with the latest File Validation Utility (FVU) made available at TIN website.


In view of the above, new Return Preparation Utility (RPU) (Version 4.3) and File Validation Utility (FVU) (Version 4.6 and 2.142) are made available and applicable with effect from April 21, 2015. Statements validated with lower version of FVU will get rejected at Tax Information Network (TIN).


These utilities are freely available and can be downloaded from the TIN website ( under the download section. Salient features/validations of these utilities are as under:


Features of NSDL Return Preparation Utility (RPU) Version 4.3


ü  Quoting of PAN of responsible person for deducting/ collecting tax

ü  Quoting of AIN mandatory only if the TDS/TCS has been deposited by book entry i.e., through transfer voucher

ü  Quoting of BIN mandatory only for the statements pertaining to FY 2013-14 onwards

ü  Update of tax deposit amount in deductee details enabled for the deductee records where tax has been deducted at higher rate

ü  Reduction in the applicable list of “Nature of Remittances” (Applicable in case of Form no. 27Q)

ü  Enhancement of deduction allowed under section 80CCE from Rs. 1,00,000/- to Rs. 1,50,000/-



Features of FVU Version 4.6 (Applicable for quarterly e-TDS/TCS statement pertaining to FY 2010-11 onwards)


ü  Quoting of PAN of responsible person for deducting/ collecting tax

ü  Quoting of AIN mandatory only if the TDS/TCS has been deposited by book entry i.e., through transfer voucher

ü  Quoting of BIN details mandatory only for the statements pertaining to FY 2013-14 onwards

ü  Update of tax deposit amount in deductee details enabled for the deductee records where tax has been deducted at higher rate

ü  Reduction in the applicable list of “Nature of Remittances” (Applicable in case of Form no. 27Q)

ü  Enhancement of deduction allowed under section 80CCE from Rs. 1,00,000/- to Rs. 1,50,000/-


Features of FVU Version 2.142 (Applicable for quarterly e-TDS/TCS statements upto FY 2009-10)


ü  Quoting of PAN of responsible person for deducting/ collecting tax


In case of any queries / feedback, you may revert to us at .


For and on behalf of Tax Information Network.

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