Saturday, 26 June 2021

Extension of Important Income tax due dates.


Given below the summary of the extension provided by CBDT.



Actual due date

Extended due date.

Circular No. 9  dated May 20, 2021.

Press Release dated June 25, 2021


Statement of Financial Transactions

May 31, 2021

June 30, 2021

July 31, 2021


E TDS return

May 31, 2021

June 30, 2021

July 15, 2021


Issuance for Form 16

June 15, 2021

July 15, 2021.

July 31, 2021


Income tax return – non audit case

July 31, 2021

Sep 30, 2021



Submission of tax audit report

Sep 30, 2021

Oct 31, 2021



Furnishing of TP report -  Form 3CEB

Oct 31, 2021

Nov 30,2021



Income tax return – audit case non TP

Oct 31, 2021

Nov 30,2021



Income tax return – audit case with TP

Nov 30,2021

Dec 31, 2021



Belated/ Revised return

Dec 31, 2021

Jan 31, 2022



Objection to DRP u/s 144C

June 01, 2021


Aug 31, 2021


Filing of Form 10A by Charitable Trust

June 30, 2021


Aug 31, 2021


Linking of Aadhar with PAN

June 30, 2021


Sep 30, 2021


Assessment & Penalty order

June 30, 2021


Sep 30, 2021

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Tax treatment of TDS claim written off.


Nowadays neither CPC, Bangalore neither AO is allowing TDS credit unless and until the TDS amount is not reflected in FORM 26AS. Where Assessee after due efforts is not getting the total credit of the TDS amount equals to the TDS amount reflected in ' TDS RECEIVABLE A/C', and AO or CPC are allowing SHORT TDS credit, because of that ' TDS RECEIVABLE A/C ' showing Debit Balance.

Monday, 14 June 2021

GST Council decides to reduce tax rates on items related to Covid relief


This Tax Alert summarizes a recent press release1 issued by the Ministry of Finance. The 44th meeting of Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council was held on 12 June 2021. 

The Mockery of ease of doing business


The Chief policymakers of the country are making a sound that they implementing policies to do ease of doing business in the country but we find every time the bureaucrats who draft these policies are actually making a mockery of the term ease of doing business.  This statement becomes more true when we can see the hardship to the business by the following change in TDS rules from July 2021.

The Mockery of ease of doing business


The Chief policymakers of the country are making a sound that they implementing policies to do ease of doing business in the country but we find every time the bureaucrats who draft these policies are actually making a mockery of the term ease of doing business.  This statement becomes more true when we can see the hardship to the business by the following change in TDS rules from July 2021.

Monday, 7 June 2021

Guidelines and FAQs About E-Filing applications before a Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal

1.    E-Filing is the process of electronic online filing of appeals and applications before a Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal.  An Assessee or Assessing Officer or any other person, who is entitled to file an appeal, cross objection or application before the Tribunal u/s. 253 of Income Tax Act, 1961, can file the same through e-Filing Portal.  This provision will apply to appeals under other enactments mutatis mutandis.

Thursday, 3 June 2021



Due Date

Statutory Compliance







GSTR-3B April-2021 - Extended Due date for Taxpayers having Turnover more than 5.0 crores in the previous FY (With reduced rate of Interest @ 9% p.a.on the Tax Payable and without late filing fees).

The flaws of faceless appeal scheme


The flaws of faceless appeal scheme.

FAS has been introduced in September 2020, by the government to  eliminate the  face to face contact between the taxpayer and tax department and to run government administration with the help of technology. The new FAS is a digital communication process between NFAC, RFAC & AU.   The relevant provisions dealing with the appeal process are contained in S-249 and S-250 read with  Rules 45, 46 and 46A. Within the framework of these Sections, the FAS seeks to introduce digital authorities to coordinate and deal with the appeal process viz. NFAC, RFAC and the AU. The sum and substance of the FAS is the prescription and description of the communication process between these various digital authorities (including the National e-assessment Centre and the Assessing Officer under the Faceless Assessment Scheme) and the assessee and referring the draft appeal orders - mandatory in case the sum involved exceeds a threshold -initially to a second appeal unit for review and to a third appeal unit in case any variations proposed by the second appeal unit are to be confirmed and thereafter to the assessee, for comments.

New Customs Scheme for Manufacturing Sector

  The Regulations enable an Authorized Importer to clear the imported goods directly from port to its manufacturing unit (‘ Authorised Premi...