Sunday, 6 April 2014

How to convert Form 26AS (PAN Ledger) ".TXT" file to ".XLS" file

The annual statement (Form No. 26AS) will be issued for all tax deducted and tax collected at source from FY 2005-06 onwards after the expiry of the financial year. The PAN-wise ledger account will be created after matching the information in the TDS/TCS statements filed by the deductor/collector and the details of tax deposited in banks coming through On Line Tax Account System (OLTAS).

Form 26AS is most important document for tax payers as it is a tax payment and deduction ledger for them. It shows Tax deducted /collected amount by deductors, Amount paid with TDS against form 15G/15H, tax paid by tax payer like advance tax,self assessment tax etc. Further it also shows refund amount . Every tax payer should match tax amount shown in form 26AS with tax claimed in Income Tax return before filing of income tax return. Now income Tax department have given automatic population of TDS entries in Income tax return from pan ledger/Form 26AS.

Form 26AS can be downloaded by three methods:
  1. Through Income Tax India efiling login password.
  2. Through online Banking account login password.
  3. Through TIN-CPC website.
Form 26AS can be viewed online in HTML format and can also be downloaded in PDF or text format. The password for form 26AS file is Date of Birth provided in PAN database in ddmmyyyy format.

Steps to convert Form 26AS .txt file to .xls file

  1. File received in .txt format
  2. Select the complete Text and copy
  3. Selected Text Paste into MS Excel worksheet
  4. Select Data
  5. Select option Text to columns
  6. Select the entire first column “A” in the worksheet 

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