Thursday, 15 September 2011

How to get FVU files offline required for revised E-TDS return

In this regard, you are requested to send the letter containing the following detail when requesting for consolidated FVU file offline:-

a)      Letter should be on companies letter head
b)     Letter should be signed by authorized signatory
c)      Name as well as the designation of authorized signatory should be mentioned in the letter
d)     TAN registration number (12 digit number)
e)      TAN of organization
f)       Token number of original statement only (15 digit number)
g)     Form No. and Quarter
h)     Financial Year
i)       Reason for not able to provide KYC

Aforesaid letter should be addressed to:
Senior Vice President,
TIN Operation II,
National Securities Depository Limited,
Times Tower 1st floor, Kamala Mills Compound,
S. B. Marg, Lower Parel (West)
Mumbai – 400013.

On the receipt of the letter and verifying the details, the requested files will be sent on email id provided at the time of TAN registration.

For any query related to the above, you may contact TIN Call centre at
      Tel: 91-20-2721 8080.
      Fax: 91-20-2721 8081.
      Email ID:

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