Tuesday, 23 October 2012


4.1 Section 204 (i) of the Act the "persons responsible for paying" for the purpose of Section 192 means the employer himself or if the employer is a Company, the Company itself including the Principal Officer thereof. Further, as per Section 204(iv), in the case of credit, or as the case may be, if the payment is by or on behalf of Central Government or State Government, the DDO or any other person by whatever name called, responsible for crediting, or as the case may be, paying such sum is the "persons responsible for paying".
4.2 The tax determined as per para 8 should be deducted from the salary u/s 192 of the Act.
4.3. Deduction of Tax at Lower Rate:
If the jurisdictional TDS officer of the Taxpayer issues a certificate of No Deduction or Low Deduction of Tax under section 197 of the Income Tax Act, subsequent to the application filed before him in Form No 13 by the Taxpayer; then the DDO should take into account such certificate and deduct tax on the salary payable at the rates mentioned therein. (see Rule 28AA).
4.4. Deposit of Tax Deducted:
Rule 30 prescribes time and mode of payment of tax deducted at source to the account of Central Government.
4.4.1. Prescribed time of payment/deposit of TDS made to the credit of Central Government account is as under:
(a) In case of an Office of Government:
Sl. No. Description Time up to which to be deposited.
1Tax deposited without Challan [Book Entry] SAME DAY
2Tax deposited with Challan 7TH DAY NEXT MONTH
3Tax on perquisites opt to be deposited by the employer. 7TH DAY NEXT MONTH
(b) In any case other than an Officer of Government
Sl. No.  DescriptionTime up to which to be deposited.
1Tax deductible in March30th APRIL NEXT FINANCIAL YEAR
2Tax deductible in any other month 7TH DAY NEXT MONTH
3Tax on perquisites opt to be deposited by the employer 7TH DAY NEXT MONTH
However, if a DDO applies before the jurisdictional Additional/Joint Commissioner of Income Tax to permit quarterly payments of TDS under section 192, the Rule 30(3) allow for payments on quarterly basis and time given in Table below:
Sl. No. Quarter to the financial year ended on Date for quarterly payment
130th June 7th July
230th September 7th October
331st December 7th January
431st March 30th April next Financial Year
4.4.2 Mode of Payment of TDS Payment by Book Entry:
In the case of an office of the Government, where tax has been paid to the credit of the Central Government without the production of a challan [Book Entry], the Pay and Accounts Officer or the Treasury Officer or the Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Officer or any other person by whatever name called to whom the deductor reports the tax so deducted and who is responsible for crediting such sum to the credit of the Central Government, shall-
(a)  submit a statement in Form No. 24G within ten days from the end of the month to the agency authorized by the Director General of Income-tax (Systems) [TIN Facilitation Centres currently managed by M/s National Securities Depository Ltd.] in respect of tax deducted by the deductors and reported to him for that month; and
(b)  intimate the number (hereinafter referred to as the Book Identification Number or BIN) generated by the agency to each of the deductors in respect of whom the sum deducted has been credited. BIN consist of receipt number of Form 24G, DDO sequence number and date on which tax is deposited.
The procedure of furnishing Form 24G is detailed in Annexure IV. PAOs/DDOs should go through the FAQs therein to understand the correct process to be followed. Payment by an Income Tax Challan:
(i)  In such a case the amount of tax so deducted shall be deposited to the credit of the Central Government by remitting it within the time specified in Table 4.4.1 above into any branch of the Reserve Bank of India or of the State Bank of India or of any authorized bank;
(ii)  In case of a company and a person (other than a company), to whom provisions of section 44AB are applicable, the amount deducted shall be electronically remitted into the Reserve Bank of India or the State Bank of India or any authorised bank accompanied by an electronic income-tax challan.
The amount shall be construed as electronically remitted to the Reserve Bank of India or to the State Bank of India or to any authorized bank, if the amount is remitted by way of:
(a)  internet banking facility of the Reserve Bank of India or of the State Bank of India or of any authorized bank; or
(b)  debit card (Notification No.41/2010, dated 31st May, 2010)

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