Friday, 15 March 2013

How TDS Deductor registered on Tax Information Network (TIN)? FAQs.

Who is a migrated user?Users who have registered their TAN with TIN (and possess TAN Registration Number) are being migrated to TRACES. Such users are being referred to as migrated users and these TIN users (deductors) need not register on TRACES as new user.

I am an existing user in TIN. How do I register in TRACES?
If you have registered your TAN on TIN and have a TAN Registration Number, your details will be migrated from TIN to TRACES. Such users will have to login to TRACES for first time using User Id and Password as in TIN for your TAN registration account. After successful login using TIN credentials, user will have to enter few additional details which have not been migrated from TIN to TRACES. After this short registration process, user will have to activate their account. User will then be able to login to TRACES after account is activated. Activation process for migrated user will be similar to as for normal user registering on TRACES.

For a migrated user, will the User Id and Password change in TRACES?
User Id will not change for a migrated user and it will be same as for your TAN registration account in TIN. Password must be changed during first time login to TRACES. After activation of your account in TRACES, user must login to TRACES using existing User Id and new Password.


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