Thursday, 10 October 2013

FAQs regarding e-mails & Notices issued by Income Tax Departments.

The Department is presently having two email solutions enabled for its officers. First one is web based email system having domain name ‘’. This can be accessed anytime anywhere through internet. The second email system is Lotus Notes based system having domain name ‘’ which can be accessed only on the computers connected to Departmental net work. There are different eligibility criteria for these email systems.

1. I am an Income Tax Department employee. Am I eligible for the web-based email id on the domain name ‘’ and Lotus Notes email ids of the Income Tax Department?
All Officers of the rank of Commissioner and above are entitled to have email id on the domain name ‘’. Also, all Officers of the rank of ACIT and above posted in CBDT and attached Directorates of CBDT, are also eligible to get email id on this domain name. This email id can be accessed through internet on the weblink All Officers of the rank of ITO and above are entitled to get email id on the Lotus Notes email system of the Income Tax Department, having domain name ‘’.

2. How to get the Income Tax Department web email id on the domain name ‘’?
A request can be made by sending an email to the by letter to Directorate of Income Tax (Systems) with necessary details as per the following format:
1 Name
2 Full Designation
3 Civil Code No.
4 ITD Employee Code
5 CCIT(CCA) Region
6 City of Current Posting
7 Office Address, Phone Number and Mobile Number
8 Whether working on any ITD application using user name and password
9 Whether using Lotus notes (email system) on Departmental network?
If, yes, provide the user id.

3. How to get the Income Tax Department email id on the Lotus Notes?
A form has been prescribed for applying for this email id, which is available with the FMS Helpdesk on the toll-free number 1800110015 and also on Co-Desk portal in the “Knowledgebase” tab. A duly filled in and verified form may be sent to FMS Helpdesk through email as scanned copy/by fax/by hand. Further action will be carried out by FMS Engineersincluding doing necessary configurations on the computers of the user. A copy of this form is also attached with these FAQs.

4. The helpdesk has clarified that the email id will be provided for a designation. Can I get an email id by name?
Email ids have been provided designation wise and presently name wise email ids are not being issued.

5. I have got transferred to a new role/joined a new place of posting, how to covert my present email id designation to new role/designation?
Old email id cannot be converted to new designation. The old email id will remain as it is and will be used by the Officer joining in your place. You will have to use the email id of your new role/designation.

6. I have joined at a new place of posting; however the outgoing officer has not handed over the password to me. How to get the password reset for the email id?
A formal request can be made in the form prescribed for the same through fax/email/by hand. A copy of this form is also attached with these FAQs. This form is available with the FMS Helpdesk on the toll-free number 1800110015 and also on Co-Desk portal in the “Knowledgebase” tab. For further clarifications may please contact FMS Helpdesk on the toll-free number 1800110015 or through Codesk.

7. I am using a Lotus Notes email id of the Department. I have forgotten my password. How to get a new password.
Same as response to FAQ No.6. A formal request can be made in the form prescribed for the same to FMS Helpdesk through fax/email/by hand. A copy of this form is also attached with these FAQs. For further clarifications may please contact FMS Helpdesk on the toll-free number 1800110015 or through Codesk.

8. I am using a Lotus Notes email id of the Department. However it is facing issues in sending and receiving email. How to resolve that?
Issue 1: It is possible that the mail box has been utilized to its full capacity. System is designed in a such a manner that advance warning/in formation email is given to the user when the mail box quota is approaching 100%. In such a scenario due to space constraint the system is not able to send or receive emails. To resolve the issue, the user can create space either by (i) deleting the unwanted emails from Inbox, Outbox and also from Trash or (ii) archiving/backing up the emails to local computer and create space in the email system. After doing so if the problem still persists, the user is required to contact the FMS Helpdesk for unblocking/uncapping of the mail box.
Issue 2: The problem could also be due to large attachment size. As per the present policy an email is allowed to have total attachments of upto 5 MB. In case the size of total attachments is bigger than this the same will not be allowed.
Issue 3: There can be other issues like mail configuration, Id file issue, etc. The user may contact FMS Helpdesk on the toll-free number 1800110015 or through Codesk.

9. How to access my Lotus email from home or on internet?
Departmental Lotus notes email can be accessed only on computers connected toDepartmental network TaxNet. It cannot be accessed from home or through internet.

10. Can I send/receive emails to/from internet based email systems like that of NIC?
Yes, Departmental Lotus Notes email system has been configured to allow send/receive emails to/from all other email systems including internet based email systems.

11. How to get the Lotus Notes email ids of other Officers of the Department?
The mailing system has inbuilt directory wherein Lotus Notes email ids of all officers are listed. Lotus Email Creation Request Form
1. User Name : _________________________
2. Employee Code : _____________________
3. Designation : _______________________
4. CCIT/DGIT Region : __________________
5. CCIT (CCA) Region : _________________
6. State : _____________________________
7. City :_______________________________
8. Building / Site code : ______________
9. Address / Location : ________________
10. Date of Request : __________________
11. Signature & Seal : _________________
(Non Gazetted staff to put Signature only)
12. Signature & Seal of Reporting officer : ___________
(Exempted for CIT and above officials)

Step 1. Log a call in Codesk as Service Request, scan the filled form and attached the same in Codesk, mention your contact no. in case some input is needed OR Call Helpdesk no 1800 11 0015 and log a Service Request for creation of Lotus Mail ID and provide the filled hard copy of the form.
Step 2. Once the Service Request is logged user is provided with the Ticket no.
Step 3. Help Desk agent prepares the request in the desired excel format and attached the sheet in Codesk and transfers the ticket to Shift Manager.
Step 4. Lotus Admin creates the same and communicates to the respective Help Desk about the creation of ID.
Step 5. Once the Lotus ID is created engineer visits the user and installs the Lotus Client and configures his new lotus mail id on this PC and provides the user with basic training of using the mail.
Step 6. Help Desk agent call the user and take the conformation and closes the ticket in the Codesk.

Lotus Email Password Reset Request Form
1. User Name : __________________________
2. Employee Code : ______________________
3. Designation : ________________________
4. Lotus E Mail ID : ____________________
5. CCIT/DGIT Region : ___________________
6. CCIT (CCA) Region : __________________
7. State : ______________________________
8. City :________________________________
9. Building / Site code : _______________
10. Address / Location : ________________
11. Date of Request : ___________________
12. Signature & Seal: ___________________
(Non Gazetted staff to put Signature only)
13. Signature & Seal of Reporting officer : ___________
(Exempted for CIT and above officials)

Step 1. Log a call in Codesk as Service Request, scan the filled form and attached the same in Codesk, mention your contact no. in case some input is needed OR Call Helpdesk no 1800 11 0015 and log a Service Request for creation of Lotus Mail ID and provide the filled hard copy of the form.
Step 2. Once the Service Request is logged user is provided with the Ticket no.
Step 3. Help Desk transfers the ticket to Shift Manager PDC.
Step 4. Shift Manager get the necessary reset done and up loads the new ID file, if necessary on the FTP and send communication to Helpdesk.
Step 5. Engineer visits the user downloads the ID file from FTP, does the necessary changes on user PC and helps user to logon.
Step 6. Help Desk take conformation from the user and closes the ticket or if the call is logged by the user, the user closed the ticket.

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