Tuesday, 23 September 2014

ST - penalty under section 76

BNP Paribas Equities India P. Ltd. vs CST, Mumbai 2013 (31) STR 22 (Tri.- Mumbai.)

In this case, the penalty under section 76 has been revised and confirmed at Rs. 200/- per day. or 2% of Service tax per month, whichever is higher.

The Tribunal held that, it is well settled law that, punishment to be given on the basis of provisions of law prevailing at the time ofoccurrence of offence. During April, 2002 to September, 2002 penalty is leviable at Rs.100/- per day which may extend to Rs. 200/- per day and adjudicating authority levied penalty at Rs.100 per day. Therefore, the Commissioner cannot go beyond provisions applicable atthe time of occurrence of offence.

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