Monday, 1 June 2015

Five Latest And Important Verdicts On Current And Controversial Topics

CIT vs. Grup ISM P. Ltd (Delhi High Court)

S. 9, Article 12: Meaning of expressions "consultancy services" and "independent personal services" in the context of a DTAA explained
It is evident that “consultancy services” would mean something akin to advisory services provided by the non-resident, pursuant to deliberation between parties. Ordinarily, it would not involve instances where the non-resident is acting as a link between the resident and another party, facilitating the transaction between them, or where the non-resident is directly soliciting business for the resident and generating income out of such solicitation

DCIT vs. Ohm Developers (ITAT Ahmedabad)

'On-Money' received by a builder on sale of flats held as stock-in-trade is taxable only in the year of sale of the flats and not in the year of offer/ disclosure
In the light of the judgement of Hon’ble Gujarat High Court rendered in the case of CIT vs. Motilal C.Patel and Co. reported at 173 ITR 666 (Guj.), such amount can be subjected to tax when sale-deed is actually executed. Since the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court has held that the amount would become for the assessment year in which the sale transaction is completed. In the case in hand, it is not disputed that sale deeds were executed in the year subsequent to the year under appeal. Therefore, in view of the binding precedent, we are of the considered view that the authorities below were not justified in taxing the amount including ‘on money’ during the year under appeal

ITO vs. Emperor International Ltd (ITAT Delhi)

S. 43(5)(d): Loss from trading in derivatives is not a speculation loss and can be set-off against normal business profits
Now question arises as to whether the loss suffered by the assessee on derivative was to be treated as a speculative loss or to be set off against the regular business profit. Explanation to clause (d) of Sub-section (5) to Section 43 of the Act provides that eligible transaction in respect of trading in derivatives would not be deemed to be speculative transaction. In the present case, it is an admitted fact that the assessee was engaged in the business of dealing in shares & securities and has incurred loss from dealing in derivatives (shares futures)

Computer Engineering Services India (P) Ltd vs. ACIT (ITAT Delhi)

S. 143(2) and 153C notices issued in the name of the non-existent amalgamated company are void and render the assessment order null and void (entire case law discussed)
For making the assessment, it is absolutely essential that the person so to be assessed should be in existence at the time of making the assessment. In the present case the assessment has been framed by the AO on a date when the present assessee was not in existence therefore, the assessment framed by the AO vide assessment order dated 31.12.2010 was not valid

ACIT vs. Information Systems Resource Centre Pvt. Ltd (ITAT Mumbai)

Transfer Pricing: The transaction of allowing credit period to the AE on realisation of sale proceeds is not an independent transaction and has to be considered along with the main international transaction of sale of goods
The transaction of allowing the credit period to AE on realization of sale proceeds is not an independent international transaction but it is a closely linked or continuous transaction along with sale transaction to the AE. The credit period allowed to the party depends upon various factors which also includes the price charged by the assessee from purchaser. Therefore, the credit period extended by the assessee to the AE cannot be examined independently but has to be considered along with the main international transaction being sale to the AE

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