Friday, 19 June 2015

Implementation of the CIT(A) module in the new Income Tax Business.

Recently CBDT has been issued a circular regarding implementation of the CIT (A) module in the new Income Tax Business Application (ITBA), which is as under :
Ministry of FinancelDepartment of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Tele: 011-23094788011-23094788 Fax : 011-23093020
16th June, 2015



Sub:- Implementation of the CIT(A) module in the new Income Tax Business application (ITBA).

The income Tax Business Application (ITBA) is planned to be launched shortly and the CIT(A) module is amongst the first modules to be rolled out. This would enable the office of CIT(A) to work on the ITBA system. The CIT(A) module is expected to enhance the efficiency of the CsIT(A) in terms of the ease in handling the appeal workload and its disposal and the automatic generation of MIS for reporting and for control of work. 

In order to ensure that the pending appeals can also be processed and orders issued on ITBA, data pertaining to all pending appeals are required to be uploaded in the CIT (A) module. This would be a one-time exercise and thereafter, all relevant MIS would be available in the module. To facilitate this, an Appeal Excel Utility was made and uploaded in and in i-taxnet.

In this regard Directorate of Systems had addressed a letter vide F. No. Systems/ITBA/CIT Appeals Module/11-12/37 dated 22/04/2015 to all Pr.CsCIT(CCA), requesting them to issue necessary instructions to all CsIT(A) under their charge to upload the relevant data in the Appeal Excel Utility. This process was to be completed by 04/05/2015. Suitable instructions may be issued from your office to all CsIT(A) of your region to complete this exercise so that the data of pending appeals can be uploaded on the system, once the CIT(A) module in the ITBA becomes operational.

It was also requested that infrastructural requirements including network nodes for CIT(A) and their staff, RSA tokens, PCs etc. may also be ascertained so that in case of any gap, the matter can be referred to the Directorate, where appropriate, or action taken by the 0/0 Pr CCIT to ensure the necessary procurement. This exercise also needs to be completed, in case action is pending. Clarifications if any can be sought from Shri Ramesh Krishnamurthi ADG ( 90138536939013853693.

The Systems Directorate had also requested for the latest jurisdiction orders for CIT (A) since it was ascertained that in many regions the Principal CC1T has made local changes.

I would be grateful if these pre-requisites as mentioned above for the imminent roll out of the CIT(A) module in ITBA are completed early and a compliance report for your region alongwith suggestions, if any, in this regard are sent to my office with a copy of DGIT (Systems) by June 22nd, 2015.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,
(S.K. Ray)

Pr. CCsIT, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, New Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kochi, Kolkata, Bhopal, Mumbai, Pune, Lucknow

Copy to :-
(i)   Chairperson (CBDT)
(ii)  Zonal Members, CBDT
(iii) DGIT (S)
(iv)  Database cell for uploading the letter to

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