Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Decoding Secretarial Standards – Conduct of Poll

In this post, I will discuss Secretarial Standards related to Conduct of Poll under SS – 2.
When a poll is demanded on any Resolution, the Chairman shall get the validity of the demand verified and, if the demand is valid, shall order the poll forthwith if it is demanded on the question of appointment of the Chairman or adjournment of the Meeting and, in any other case, within forty-eight hours of the demand for poll. [Paragraph 9.1]
In the case of a poll, which is not taken forthwith, the Chairman shall announce the date, venue and time of taking the poll to enable Members to have adequate and convenient opportunity to exercise their vote. The Chairman may permit any Member who so desires to be present at the time of counting of votes. [Paragraph 9.2]
If the date, venue and time of taking the poll cannot be announced at the Meeting, the Chairman shall inform the Members, the modes and the time of such communication, which shall in any case be within twenty four hours of closure of the Meeting. [Background Paragraph 1 after Paragraph 9.2]
This is clear, when a poll is demanded in a meeting; it may take place within twenty – four hours of closure of the Meeting. This may be by paper ballot or electronic method but apparently it will not be by “postal ballot” or “electronic remote voting”.

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