Friday, 28 August 2015

Supreme Court Stays Bar Council’s Directive On Advocates’ Verification

A Writ Petition No. 17361 of 2015 was filed by A. P. Ranganathan in the Karnataka High Court to challenge the Certificate and place of Practice (Verification) Rules, 2015. (copy of Writ Petition is available here). The High Court passed an order dated 24.04.2015 grating interim relief as prayed for “only in so far as the petitioner is concerned“. A similar Writ Petition in the case of MOHANAN L Vs. BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA (Writ Petition Civil 17467 of 2015) was filed in the Kerala High Court. The Kerala High Court’s interim order is not available. The Bar Council of India moved a Transfer Petition Nos. 1233-1243 of 2015 in the Supreme Court. In the said Transfer Petition, the Supreme Court has passed the following order dated 26.08.2015

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