Monday, 26 April 2021

Tax deductions for Medical treatment of Covid.


We are the honest taxpayer of the country and we were regular in paying our taxes to the nation and in return expecting a safe & secure environment for our family from the government administrator.  we were  supposed to get all kinds of relief from the government in case of any emergency and for this reason, only we were  paying taxes to the exchequers.

Recently we had seen that government administrator policies had gone wrong in respect of the management of the spread of Coronavirus disease. Hence, millions of peoples get ill due to the spread of virus and a few lakhs had lost their life. We also witnessed that out of this million peoples who were gets effected, government administrators able to provide beds, oxygen & medicines to few thousand only. Rest all affected people require to take care of themselves.  They have to pay for all medical expenses which include hospital expenses, medicine & various pathology test. These peoples also require to keep them in isolation with their family members for 2-3 weeks and the same had an impact on their earnings also.

The purpose of the bringing above facts is to make aware the government administration that people of the country are incurring huge medical expenses towards the treatment of Covid and since the government had not able to provide adequate support to them during their medical treatment, they must provide tax incentive towards medical treatment of Covid for himself and their family members.

The exchequers were collecting taxes from us for several years and they failed to provide any relief to us during this hard time and hence they can compensate for their mistake by providing tax incentives towards the medical treatment of Covid.

Further, there are numbers of taxpayers who were regular in paying their taxes but lost their livelihood during this pandemic. The exchequers who were partners to these people in their good times must continue to be a partner with them during their hard times and provide some cash assistance till they were able to resume their livelihood.

The purpose of writing the above article is to make government administrators & exchequers aware that they should not be seen only as revenue collection agents but should be seen as a partner of people who are paying taxes.

I am hopeful that the above message should be reached to the government and they will act on the same.

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