Saturday, 4 December 2021

Changes in GSTR-1 Interface and Generate Summary

 This is to bring to your kind attention on the changes introduced by GSTN in the process of filing of GSTR-1 and improvements in GSTR-1. Below are key changes in the GSTR-1 as per the GSTN advisory:


Reorganized GSTR-1 Dashboard - Taxpayers will now experience an enhanced online user interface in GSTR-1/IFF with the following changes:

·      GSTR-1/IFF has been grouped in two sections namely “ADD RECORD DETAILS” and “AMEND RECORD DETAILS”. All the tables/tiles for new details addition shall be available under ADD RECORD DETAILS section while all the tables/tiles for amending previously filed details shall be available under AMEND RECORD DETAILS section. Re-arrangement of tables/tiles shall ensure that taxpayers can navigate in an easy manner to add or amend record details in the GSTR 1/IFF.

·      By default, ADD RECORD DETAILS section shall be in expanded form (visible) and AMEND RECORD DETAILS section shall be in the collapsed form (hidden). Taxpayers can expand or collapse these sections as per the requirement.


Table/Tile Document Counts - The document count for each tile (table) has been made more informative with colour coding. The status of uploaded (Saved, Pending, Errored) documents with their count will also be made available. Taxpayers can now ascertain if there are any pending or errored records in any of the tables of GSTR-1/IFF from the dashboard itself. The system shall update the count of records in the tiles on a real-time basis which will help in easy reconciliation. In case any record added by the taxpayer is errored out, then the tile will be highlighted in red colour.


Enhancement in B2B and CDNR table - Taxpayers will now be able to view a new record details table with the details of the recipient -wise count of records. Record details table will have the columns of taxpayer type, processed invoice, pending/errored invoice, add invoice and search.


Records per page feature - System will now provide the records per page feature in all the tables under ADD RECORD DETAILS section leading to ease of viewing. This feature will allow the taxpayers to customize the number of records to be viewed per page. By default, the Records per page will be set at 10 records per page and can be increased to view 50 records per page.


Auto Summary generation is disabled -  GST portal will not be refreshing the GSTR 1 summary automatically after every save. Instead, taxpayer needs to be select the generate GSTR 1 summary, as and when required.  After the summary generation is initiated, you will notice the message to click on the refresh button to check for completion of request. Please note Summary generation can be initiated after 5 mins of completion of the previous request as GENERATE GSTR1 SUMMARY button will be disabled for 5 mins. On a cautious note, It is advisable to initiate the ‘Generate GSTR-1 summary’ once before submitting/filing the GSTR-1 return.

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