This Tax Alert summarizes recent ruling of the Delhi High Court (HC) [1] on whether integrated tax (IGST) is payable on cost of repairs, insurance and freight in case of re-import of goods which were earlier exported for repairs.
Notification No. 45/2017–Customs provided exemption from duties of customs on
re-imported goods in excess of duty which would be leviable if the value of
re-imported goods were made up of the fair cost of repairs, insurance and
freight charges.
The same was amended by Notification No. 36/2021 – Customs, and Circular No.
16/2021 – Customs was issued to clarify that the integrated tax and cess under
Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (CTA) would also be payable on the fair cost of
repairs, etc.
The key observations of the HC are:
- Section 3(7) of the
Customs Tariff Act, 1975 cannot be construed as being the source of an
independent levy of IGST on import of goods. The same merely designates
the place and the juncture when the tax liability would be liable to be
- The transaction, in the
instant case, is liable to be treated as import of service in terms of
Section 5(1) of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (IGST Act)
read with Entry 3 of Schedule II to the Central Goods and Services Tax
Act, 2017 (CGST Act). The same cannot be again characterized as import of
goods and taxed under Section 3(7) of the Customs Tariff Act.
- The unamended
Notification No. 45/2017 was in unambiguous terms restricted to the levy
of BCD. Thus, the amendments made vide Notification No. 36/2021 - Customs
together with Circular No. 16/2021 - Customs were clearly intended to
expand the tax net and hence, cannot be termed to be merely clarificatory.
Basis above, HC declared
Notification No. 36/2021 read with Circular No. 16/2021 as unconstitutional and
ultra vires the
IGST Act insofar as it purports to levy an additional duty over and above the
IGST imposed under Section 5(1) of IGST Act.
- The ruling of the HC that
IGST on import of goods is levied under IGST Act and not under Customs
Tariff Act may raise questions on the validity of several notifications
issued under the Custom Act exempting IGST on import of goods.
- Businesses may also
explore a position of non-payment of IGST on import of goods where such
goods are imported free of cost and hence, not constituting a “supply” as
per Section 7 of the CGST Act.
- One may also need to
analyze whether this ruling can be made applicable to goods imported under
lease or for job-work.
- In cases where the place
of supply of services provided on goods falls outside India, no tax is
paid on such transaction in absence of import of services. Businesses may
have to evaluate whether IGST as part of customs duty is required to be
paid at the time of reimport of goods in such cases.
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