Monday, 21 July 2014

Employee P.F. Ceiling Limit increased by Rs. 8500/- i.e. from Rs. 6500/- to Rs. 15000/- for Fin. Year 2014-15.

The Hon'ble Union Minister of Finance in the Budget Speech of 2014-15 has announced enhancement in statutory wage ceiling for enrollment under the EPF and MP Act, 1952 to Rs. 15000/- per month from the current maximum of Rs. 6500/- per month. On this ground Central Board of Trustees’, Employees' Provident Fund (CBT, EPF) has been issued a circular regarding enhancement of wage ceiling from Rs. 6500/- to Rs. 15000/- per for Fin. Year 2014-15. This amendments related to the Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 (EPF), Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 (EPS) Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976 (EDLI) for implementing increase in wage ceiling to Rs. 15,000/- and Minimum Pension of Rs. 1,000/- - issues and modalities.

In view of above, the following preparatory activities are required to be initiated immediately:
  • The total number of establishments in your office be listed out Enforcement Officer wise. Further, in respect of each establishment "Enforcement Group" and "Enforcement task-id" shall be compulsorily marked in the Application Software;
  • Enforcement officer may be directed to visit the establishment to check the total number of employees drawing salary beyond Rs. 6500/- and upto Rs. 15000/- and not enrolled as members. The data so collected shall be required immediately after issue of the notification;
  • The tour programme of Enforcement Officer shall be chalked out in such a way that they visit establishments where there is concentration of large number of workers particularly the building and construction industries, placement agencies etc.;
  • Wherever the Enforcement Officers visit the establishment they should also meet the representatives of the workers' unions and apprise then about the said likely notification enhancing the statutory wages ceiling;
  • Meeting may be arranged to apprise the establishment about the intent of the notification and assist them in implementing with same once it is issued.

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