Monday, 20 October 2014


Special precautions should be taken at the time of Diwali celebrations specially when bursting fire crackers. A few simple prevention measures are outlined below which would help you in celebrating this festival safely.
Fire Safety/Firework accident Prevention
The Do’s

  • Make sure you buy Fireworks from a licensed shop.
  • Always keep the fireworks in a closed box.
  • Store crackers away from sources of fire or ignition also keep them away from the reach of children.
  • Read the instructions and follow all safety precautions recommended for the use of fireworks.
  • Light crackers in open spaces.
  • While lighting the crackers stand at an arm’s length from the cracker.
  • Discard used fireworks in a bucket of water. In this manner you can avoid people from stepping on to and hurting their feet from used fireworks which are thrown on the ground.
  • Keep buckets of water and blankets ready, in case a firebreaks out.
  • Wear heavier cotton clothes while lighting crackers so as to ensure maximum safety from fire.
  • If your clothes happen to catch fire, do not panic, drop down on the ground and roll.
  • Store water and keep it ready near the place of fireworks celebrations.
  • Keep a wet towel ready to cover your exposed parts when some crackers may accidentally burst.
  • Keep the regulators of your cooking gas cylinders turned off and do not keep the cylinders in balconies or open spaces to keep them protected from stray rockets.
  • Put earplugs (or cotton wool) in your ears.
  • Keep small portable extinguishers handy for urgent use.

 The Don’ts 
  • Don’t burn crackers in crowded, congested places, narrow lanes, near sources of fire or inside the house.
  • Don’t put fireworks in your pocket.
  • Don’t cover crackers with tin containers or glass bottles for extra sound effect.
  • Don’t examine un-burst crackers…leave it!! Light a new cracker
  • Don’t light crackers on your hands. People have a tendency of lighting the fuses by bringing the cracker to the candle or incense rather than bringing the candle or incense to the fuse. Moving the candle of the incense to the fuse is the recommended method.
  • Avoid long loose clothes as they may get caught up in the fireworks and can catch fire.
  • In the event that someone is burnt, don’t remove burnt clothing (unless it comes off easily), but do ensure that the victim is not still in contact with smouldering materials.
  • Don’t try to burst the blisters.
  • The earthen lamps lit on Diwali night are generally placed on balcony and window ledges. Ensure that these are not near any flammable material like wood, cloth or paper.
  • Usually, decorative lights and electric lights should never be tied to any metal poles as any current leak can energize the pole and give a shock to anyone who touches the pole.
  • Fireworks and alcohol don’t mix: Drinking alcohol presents an added danger when there are fireworks and bonfires around. So don’t drink during your fireworks display.
  • Don’t light flying fireworks if there is a heavy wind.  
Fire safety and children

  • Make sure a responsible adult whom the children listen to, is present when they are bursting firecrackers. Children often tend to listen to their favourite aunt or uncle on these matters.
  • Warn your children against lighting crackers while holding them in their hands.
  • And last, but not least, remember that Diwali is a festival to be enjoyed by all. So, celebrate in a manner that does not cause inconvenience or harm to your neighbour.
First Aid:
Burns happen when your skin comes into contact with something hot, such as fire, or if you are exposed to a radiated heat source, such as the sun.
Burns are usually divided into three categories depending on how much of the skin they affect. Superficial burns (first degree) affect the surface of the skin, making it red, swollen, and painful. This sort of burn can be treated at home and usually heals in between 7-10 days. Partial (second degree) and full thickness (third degree) burns are much more serious, and require medical attention.
Treating minor burns
To treat superficial (minor) burns at home follow the advice below.

  • Cool the skin using cool, or tepid, water for between 10-30 minutes, ideally within 20 minutes of the injury happening. This will prevent the burn getting worse.
  • Do not use ice, iced water, creams, or greasy substances, such as butter to sooth the burn. A cool bath, or shower, will help to soothe the burn.
  • If fingers or toes are burned, try and separate them with dry, sterile, non-adhesive dressings.
  • Avoid any kind of friction or pressure on the burnt area.
  • If the burn is painful, taking a mild painkiller, such as paracetamol, or ibuprofen, can help. However, always check the packaging to make sure that you take the correct dosage.
  • Do not interfere with the burn, or break any blisters. If the burn is very painful, or seems to be getting worse Rush the victim to the hospital immediately.
    • Deep, or large burns, or burns to the face, hands, or across joints, must always be checked by a doctor and may require hospital treatment.

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