Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Intimation regarding Outstanding TDS demand on account of Short Payments from FY 2007-08 onwards - CPC (TDS)

CPC (TDS) has recently issued a demand on account of short payments from Financial Year 2007-08 onwards.  This is a intimation to all Tax Deductors and TDS Deductee.  The details of this intimation is as under :

As per the records of the Centralized Processing Cell (TDS), there is an outstanding demand from FY 2007-08 onwards, exceeding Rupees XX Crore in aggregate, on account of Short Payment defaults identified in the TDS statements filed by you.

Intimation u/s 154 read with section 200A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 intimating the outstanding demand for different years has already been sent by Income Tax Department on Registered email address and by post, at the address, as mentioned in the relevant TDS Statement.

Justification report for TDS defaults can be downloaded TDS statement wise from the web portal TRACES. (www.tdscpc.gov.in).

Short payment default may be on account of mismatch in challan particulars, as quoted by you in TDS statement and challan particulars as per OLTAS. You are requested to close the Short Payment Defaults through "Tagging" of correct challan or "Move Deductee rows" facility using "Online Corrections" at TRACES (www.tdscpc.gov.in). In case of any clarification, you may contact your assessing officer and can also send e-mail at info@tdscpc.gov.in.

It is to inform that while downloading TDS certificate (Form 16/16A), you would be prompted to first close the 'Short Payment' default, if any. As the next due date for download of form 16/ 16A is 30th May 2015, you are requested to close your defaults well in advance to avoid any issue in downloading of TDS certificates for last quarter of FY 2014-15.

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