Monday, 7 September 2020

How to apply for extension of AGM.




Annual General Meeting


The concept of Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been defined under Section 96 of the Companies Act, 2013. It can be considered as an annual gathering of Directors and Shareholders / members of the Company to discuss the future of the Company and also company’s overall performance is analyzed.


·        Provisions of Section 96 of Companies Act, 2013 – AGM Related


In case of first AGM of the Company:

In    case   of    Subsequent   AGM   of        the Company:

·      not necessary to hold AGM in the year of its incorporation

·      AGM shall be held within a period of 9 months from the date of closing of the

first financial year of the company

·      AGM is an Annual Exercise

·      within a period of 6 months, from the date of closing of the financial year

·        Grace Period (Extension):

Registrar may, for any special reason, extend the time by a period not exceeding 3 months (additional) – {other than First AGM of the Company.}


Ø  Brief process of getting


·         Convene a Board Meeting to discuss and pass the necessary resolution

·         Pass a Board resolution for extension AGM timeline

·         File an application to the ROC in Form No – GNL1.

·         Application must be made before the required due date of the annual general meeting (on or before 29th September, 2020, if AGM due date is 30.09.2020)

·         Post review and examination the application and may grant an extension.


Ø  AGM EXTENSION 2020 – MCA Clarification for the FY 31.03.2020

MCA vide General Circular no. 28/ 2020 dated 17th August 2020 has issued Clarification on Extension of Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the financial year ended as at 31.03.2020- Companies Act, 2013.



Ministry key aspects:

Ministry has already provided digital AGM platform to all the Companies. Ministry vide General Circular No. 20/2020 has clarified that Companies can hold AGM for the calendar year 2020 M through video conferencing (VC) or other audio visual means (OAVM). An Company can voluntary apply for AGM extension via filing MCA E- Form GNL-1.


"The MCA has clarified that blanket extension will not be granted, but each company will have to submit a request in Form GNL-1 and get their individual approval.


To read full circular : Click here


Some reasons for extension of AGM:

·         Mergers & Acquisition (M &A)

·         Delay in Financial Results finalizing

·         Delay in audit & reports thereon.

·         Loss of official data due to technical fault or virus.

·         Natural Calamity. Etc.


Ø Reason for extension: Covid-19 key points (suggested)


1.     The main reason for this is that despite all efforts made in this direction, the Financial statements could not be ready & Non-readiness of the financial statement due to spread of Novel Coronavirus and consequent nationwide lockdown announced by Government of India from 24th March 2020 till 30th June, 2020.

2.     During the lockdown, the movement of people were restricted as per guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home affairs.

3.     Offices were closed.

4.     Transportation suspended due to covid-19 spread.

5.     Seeking extension in view of the unexpected, unusual and extraordinary circumstances.

6.     Accounts are yet to be finalized and audited.

Required drafts


Ø  Draft Board Resolution for Extension of AGM


EXTRACTS OF THE MINUTES OF THE ………… (NO. OF MEETING) MEETING OF THE BOARD OF THE DIRECTORS OF ……………………… LIMITED (THE COMPANY)   HELD   ON   ………….DAY,   ……………(DATE)   AT....................................................................................................................................... (TIME)


The Chairman informed the Board that as our company having (mention the reason for extension).

Facts -------------------------------------------------


In light of above-mentioned facts, Board of Directors of the Company are requested to grant approval for filing application in e-form GNL-1 to concerned RoC for seeking extension of time for holding AGM for ……………….. (grace period – maximum 3 months) by passing the following resolution:


“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 96 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies act 2013, the company do hereby make an application with the Registrar of Companies, for extension of time for holding the Annual General Meeting for  the FY.......................... for a period of months (grace  period

is maximum 3 months) from the last date on which the Annual General Meeting of the

Company should have been held”.


“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any Director or Company Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorized on behalf of the Company to sign, execute and file an application with the Registrar of Companies, and generally to do all acts, deeds, and things that may be necessary, proper, expedient or incidental for the purpose of giving effect to the aforesaid Resolution including further authorization to the professional.


Certified True Copy

For............................. LIMITED



ACS / Director

Membership / DIN: …………..

Address: ………………

Date Place

Draft Format of Application to ROC for seeking AGM Extension


Registrar of Companies,


Subject: Application for seeking extension of time for holding Annual General

meeting for the period ending.............................. (Generally 30.09.2020)



Brief overview of the Company.


Status, Incorporation details, ROC details and Capital Structure of the Company.



The Annual General Meeting of the members of the company in respect of the year

ended on 31st March, 20…… is required to be held on or before ,.......................... 20XX.


The company is not in a position to hold its Annual General Meeting within the stipulated time period as per Section 96 read with Section 129 of the Companies Act, 2013. The main reason for this is that despite all efforts made in this direction,



The company is making its best efforts to                              (resolve the reason for not conducting the AGM) at the earliest. This is going to take some more time this year.

The application is made bona-fide and in the interest of the justice and no one will be prejudiced if the special permission is granted under section 96 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013.

In view of the unexpected, unusual and extraordinary circumstances, It is humbly submitted to  seek an extension of  time of months  beyond ,........................ for convening

the ……th Annual General Meeting of the company up to ,......................... by which time

 we hope to finalize the accounts for the year........................... duly audited and place the

same before the Annual General Meeting.

A list of the Board of Directors is also enclosed for ready reference. The Registrar of Companies is humbly requested to kindly consider the aforesaid request and accord approval extending the period of Annual General Meeting in respect of the financial year ………….. by a period of months beyond.


In case any further details or clarification is required, we would be pleased to attend the same immediately on hearing from you.


Certified True Copy

For............................. Limited


(Signature of Authorized Signatory) Designation:

DIN/ Membership No.:





(AS ON (Date of application))


S. No.











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