Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Do you under Companies Act.

 When GST ITC is availed and utilised by the Company for meeting its GST Output Liability, then the Statutory Auditor has to make enquiry under section 143(1)(b) of the Companies Act, 2013 and report accordingly

·       Remuneration paid to independent directors primarily is considered as "employee benefits" under Ind AS,

despite the fact that they are not employees of the Company

·       MSME Dues Disclosures under Schedule III Balance Sheet will not include dues towards trading entities 

·       Legally one subsidiary can have two holding companies  

·       Amount borrowed from directors can be converted into equity after passing special resolution and following some more procedures

·       A person can become member in the Company by entering into an agreement to that effect

Charge includes lien on the assets of the company

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